Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Draft Press Release 3: Cause Promotion

October 5, 2010
Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAIA)
122 N. Main St.
Logan, UT 84321
Contact: Preston Parker, President
Phone: 661-772-7537

Cache Valley Area Investors Association teaches how to become financially independent.
Answer’s to becoming financially independent comes from non-profit organization.

LOGAN, Utah – If you are looking for opportunities to make your life full of assets and financial independence, then Cache Valley Area Investors Association can give you answers. Meeting just two times a month the CVAIA brings you knowledge necessary to become stable financially.

Founder and President Preston Parker stated, “We educate people so they can understand how to become financially independent.” He continued to state that it can take seven to ten years to become independent.
“It is not about luck; it is planned, orchestrated and executed.

Media contact: Jason Nelson
PR Representative, CVAIA
Email: Jason.nelson@aggiemail.usu.edu


  1. I think it's well written and a good start considering our limited time in class. I like your lead and the headlines were catchy.

  2. Good lead. I don't think you need the apostrophe in answer's but you have a really good start.
