For Immediate Release
Date: Sept. 14, 2010
Contact: Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV)
851 N. Main St., Logan, UT 84321
Phone: 661-772-7537
Logan, Utah – Cache Valley is becoming home to newly organized Social Media Club of Cache Valley (SMCCV), bringing educational and practical opportunities to learn how to participate in the fast growing world of Social Media. Whether you are currently involved in social media or looking for a chance to catch up with the grandkids, this club is for you.
Members from Cache Valley were attending the Media Club in Salt Lake City when they decided that Cache Valley could become it’s own club.
President Preston Parker said, “No one person can know everything about social media; together we can learn everything.” Anyone can bring quesetions ranging from facebook to learning how to do your own personal blog. The club is looking to educate members on social media and learn from each others experiences.
The organization started in 2005, in San Francisco, CA., during the times that and blogs started to become popular. The SMCCV has 7 board members and loo
Every second Tuesday of the month, the Social Media Club meets at 6:30 on Main. Street. For more information you can visit their website at
For more info contact:
Jason Nelson
Publi Relations Coordinator
Phone: 801-772-7777
First, I'm not sure what AP style is on grandkids.
ReplyDeleteSecond, it feels like the second paragraph should be tacked on the end of fourth paragraph as part of the boiler plate.
Third, everything else looks great. I really like paragraphs one and three.